Sunday 19 September 2010

Brand up your driving school car

Every driving instructor needs new pupils on a regular basis. As well as advertising locally and on the internet, many driving schools acquire new pupils through the graphics and decals on their driving school cars.

Simple, eye-catching graphics and essential contact details should be included. Ensure that the company name is easy to read and remember. Take the time to include a clearly legible website to direct potential pupils to.

If you need vehicle graphics for your driving school car, use a reliable company like London Vehicle Graphics or Eastcote Signs.

Friday 17 September 2010

Driving instructor groped his pupils

Something that driving instructors should not be remembered for, a Pontefract driving instructor was convicted of two charges of sexual assault for groping his pupils.

According to the Yorkshire Evening Post, Michael Goodwin was giving his pupils more than just driving lessons.

Certainly won't get him a recommendation!